How Adding Adaptogens To Your Daily Routine Can Change Your Life

As of recently, adaptogens have been gaining traction in the health and wellness world. Adaptogens can now be found in a variety of products, ranging from adaptogen and nootropic supplements to additives in powders and beverages. If you have heard of adaptogens before, you have likely heard to some extent that they can have a […]
The Top Four Mindfulness Techniques for Pain Relief

According to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies one in three people suffer chronic pain, which is defined as having pain that persists without acute injury. It can make actively participating in a meaningful life a struggle and affects: Job performance Sleep quality Sleep quantity Relationships Mobility Until recently, the most common solution […]
Need a Boost? Top Ten Tips for Gaining Energy

From time to time we all feel that mid-afternoon slump. Or we wake up more tired than when we went to bed. Sometimes we just don’t have enough energy to get through the day. Most of the time that feeling can be attributed to our lifestyle choices, habits or routines. We may be over-tired, over-worked […]
How-To Guide for Practicing Mindfulness

What does it mean to be mindful? Being mindful means being fully present in the moment. When you can achieve this state of mind, even for short periods of time, you are creating the optimal environment for mind and body balance and harmony. You can create changes in your brain that are beneficial to your […]
Mother’s Day 2020

Social distancing has put a damper on a lot of celebrations this spring. Proms, graduations, and birthdays are all falling by the wayside as we try to get a handle on this health crisis. But honoring our mothers for Mother’s Day is something we should not miss out on. Mother’s Day is a yearly reminder […]
Get Grounded…

As the world stays home, we’ve seen some huge changes in our environment. We’ve seen the canals in Italy clear, the skies clean over big cities and we’ve even seen holes in the ozone close. The earth is a remarkable healer. But, have you ever thought about how the earth can be instrumental in helping […]
Spring Clean Your Brain

Spring is a time of renewal and cleansing. We watch new buds form. We spruce up our gardens and flowerbeds. We clean our homes to make things fresh and new. Drawing inspiration from experts like Marie Kondo, spring encourages us to simplify. We find ourselves with excess clutter and have the urge to streamline our […]
Stress Awareness Day

Stress Awareness Day is traditionally observed on April 16th, the day after tax day. Tax day has been postponed this year until July, but being aware of stress and how it is affecting us–especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic–is especially important. Our world is operating in a state of chronic super stress and […]
Sugar – The New Cigarette?

The clink of ice in a glass, the pop of the can being opened, the fizz and bubbles, that crisp, refreshing taste when that cold soda hits your mouth for the first time on a hot summer day. There’s nothing better, right? And once you’ve had one, you want another one and another one. While […]
Use It or Lose It? Not Anymore!

We’ve all heard the phrase “use it or lose it,” especially in connection to our brain activity as we age. As the population’s biggest generation ages, concerns about Alzheimer’s and dementia are growing and science is racing to find cures or treatments to ameliorate the decline in our brain function as we get older. Easy […]