How the Media is Impacting Our Health

More things to be afraid of A study released last week revealed that Americans are faced with an increasing number of things to be afraid of, and there’s a direct correlation to the unprecedented level of access we have to the media. In other words, what the media reports and how they deliver it is […]
Duke University students and staff learn braintapping during the Duke Week of Wellness

Healthy Duke Duke University has long been considered among the top providers of healthcare in the country, and now they are striving to ensure the campus is among the healthiest organizations as well. To that end, they’ve launched the Healthy Duke initiative to engage students, faculty, and staff, in not only living healthier lives, but also realizing […]
Cancer Treatment Gets a Boost from Braintapping
Cancer. That single word strikes fear in the hearts of almost everyone. It ranks right up there with war, famine, and other diseases as a deadly horror. People ravaged by this disease are burdened with tension, depression, worry, and sleepless nights. Worse, the very stress associated with diagnosis and treatment can suppress the immune system […]
How they lived to 100 (it’s not what you think)!

The Secret to Living a Century and Beyond While you’d think most centenarians — people who’ve lived 100 years or longer — would offer up lots of do’s and don’ts or diet and exercise regimens, their longevity secrets, it turns out, have little to do with most of the usual healthy-living recommendations. In fact, many spent a […]
Why the bad rap for BLUE LIGHT?

We’ve all heard the warnings…too much blue light is bad for you. Avoid blue light before bedtime. Excess blue light can harm your eyes. But why the bad rap? Like ultraviolet radiation, visible blue light—the portion of the visible light spectrum with the shortest wavelengths and highest energy—has both benefits and dangers. Blue light in […]
5 Surprising Ways Braintapping Can Help Your Career!

Do you remember what life was like before 2008? Before the housing bubble burst and the economy crashed? Was your life less stressful than it is now? What about living in a technology-driven world? Technology was developed to make our lives easier, but do you find it’s made your life more complicated and stressful? There’s […]
What we learned from Dr. Oz…

Wow, these folks made a difference in the lives of 1,841,697 at-risk teens… You’ve heard of the Peace Corps, right? We’ll these guys are like that…but for health. I’m talking about HealthCorps, the non-profit organization founded in 2003 by Dr. Mehmet Oz that’s rocking the world of the millennial generation, giving them the skills they […]
Why Guided Visualization?

Most of the BrainTap audio library sessions use guided visualization and relaxation. These techniques transport you out of your current space and into a new space of inner calm, peace, and tranquility. A natural byproduct of guided relaxation occurs when the muscles, ligaments, and tendons go loose and limp, thereby creating the relaxation response—the perfect […]
Healthy Fats for a Healthy Brain and Body

War on Fats It’s been nearly four decades since modern medicine began its war on dietary fat. Low-fat, non-fat, fat-free—the labels appear on thousands of products in every supermarket in America, along with claims that these highly-processed foods are somehow healthier alternatives to food eaten the way nature intended. Most people are still confused about […]