Resolve to Meet Your Goals This Year
It’s that time of year again. The time of year when we feel like we have to completely overhaul our lives for this year to turn out better than the last. New Year’s Resolutions are HARD! I finally stopped making them. I just couldn’t live up to the expectations I had built in my mind […]
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year?
Personally, I love Christmas. For me and my family it really is the most wonderful time of the year. I love the hustle and bustle of shopping and baking and decorating, seeing family and friends, the bright lights, and Christmas songs on the radio. But for many people, the holidays and the stress that ensues […]
Coping With Grief This Holiday Season
October has passed and the festive Halloween decorations have been stowed away until next year. The Thanksgiving turkey and cranberry sauce has been enjoyed and the house is quiet once again. For many, the turn of the seasons from October to December is filled with sadness as they contemplate spending the holidays without the ones […]
Healing with Sound
This summer I spent a little time at the beach with my family. As I sat back watching the ocean, I spent some time thinking about sound. Sound is an important component to the BrainTap experience, but I’m sure many of you are wondering if sound really helps you relax and heal. We know some […]
Why “Me Time” Is So Important
As I sat here composing this blog, it struck me as it has many others, I’m sure, that we just don’t have much time for creativity anymore. Between our work, families, electronics, and other obligations, creativity gets lost in the shuffle, much to our detriment. Women especially have historically been stifled due to the time […]
The Secret to Steve Jobs’ Success
What does big business have to do with brain-based wellness? You wouldn’t think much. In fact, you’d think the two were polar opposites and in a lot of cases they are, but if you read Steve Jobs’ biography, you’ll find that one of the world’s most successful businessmen practiced mindfulness. Could that be the secret […]
Overcoming Workplace Burnout: The Solution is at Your Fingertips!
Have you ever had a moment in your career where you just did not want to go to work? Has it become more and more difficult each day to drag yourself out of your house and make that commute? Does getting things done seem like a mountainous task? Have you felt like you were on […]
Why Women Are Developing Alzheimer’s at Alarming Rates
A study out from Johns Hopkins University suggests that stress affects women’s brains far more severely than men’s, which may explain why women develop dementia, Alzheimer’s, and related illnesses at faster rates than men. Long Term Study Results 909 study participants based in Baltimore, Maryland, participated in a long-range study at the National Institute of […]
Rock your world with this one simple change to your morning routine
It’s a pretty common refrain – “I can’t function till I’ve had my cup of coffee.” There are mugs, t-shirts, and memes that all say it. We need that jolt of caffeine in the morning to get going. While caffeine in and of itself isn’t dangerous like other drugs can be, it’s not good for […]
Sugar Identified as a Top Cause of the Surge in Cancer
Over-Consumption Of Sugar According to recent research, sugar can be blamed for a multitude of disease–and it doesn’t stop just at obesity. 40% of US healthcare expenditures are used to treat diseases directly related to the over-consumption of sugar. We spend more than $1 TRILLION each year fighting the damaging health effects of sugar–which runs […]