Cancer Treatment Gets a Boost from Braintapping
Cancer. That single word strikes fear in the hearts of almost everyone. It ranks right up there with war, famine, and other diseases as a deadly horror. People ravaged by this disease are burdened with tension, depression, worry, and sleepless nights. Worse, the very stress associated with diagnosis and treatment can suppress the immune system […]
How they lived to 100 (it’s not what you think)!

The Secret to Living a Century and Beyond While you’d think most centenarians — people who’ve lived 100 years or longer — would offer up lots of do’s and don’ts or diet and exercise regimens, their longevity secrets, it turns out, have little to do with most of the usual healthy-living recommendations. In fact, many spent a […]
Why the bad rap for BLUE LIGHT?

We’ve all heard the warnings…too much blue light is bad for you. Avoid blue light before bedtime. Excess blue light can harm your eyes. But why the bad rap? Like ultraviolet radiation, visible blue light—the portion of the visible light spectrum with the shortest wavelengths and highest energy—has both benefits and dangers. Blue light in […]
5 Surprising Ways Braintapping Can Help Your Career!

Do you remember what life was like before 2008? Before the housing bubble burst and the economy crashed? Was your life less stressful than it is now? What about living in a technology-driven world? Technology was developed to make our lives easier, but do you find it’s made your life more complicated and stressful? There’s […]
The One Reason Changing Your Life is Hard

Most of us would like to make positive changes in our lives, whether it’s healthier eating, regular exercise, defeating bad habits such as procrastination, or developing good habits such as decluttering, patience, mindfulness, reading and learning, or being more productive. Despite our best efforts, though, we tend to fall back into the same old habits […]
Is City Life Messing with Our Brains?

Today, 54% of the world’s population lives in urban areas and rarely experiences nature. This number is expected to increase to 66% by 2050. Is all this city dwelling hazardous to our health? Nature And Your Health Well, we know that people who spend a lot of time in nature are generally healthier. We see […]
Do More People Die During the Holidays?

It’s not a myth; Several studies show you have a greater chance of dying on Christmas, the day after Christmas or New Year’s Day than any other single day of the year. According to the Centers for Disease Control, this is true for people who die of natural causes, which make up 93% of all deaths. Holiday […]
Need Motivation to Exercise? Check Your Pocketbook.

In a recent study it was discovered that lack of exercise is second only to smoking as a risk factor for premature death. Physical activity is quickly becoming one of the best methods to reduce many common ailments from psychiatric disorders and heart disease to diabetes and cancer. And not exercising could end up costing […]
The Effect of Diabetes on Brain Health

In the United States nearly 80 million people have diabetes or pre-diabetes. The rate of diabetes is skyrocketing amidst the flood of processed, high sugar, nutrient-deficient foods most Americans are eating. One of the most frightening health problems associated with diabetes is a higher risk for dementia in our older years. According to one recent […]
Sugar Identified as a Top Cause of the Surge in Cancer

Over-Consumption Of Sugar According to recent research, sugar can be blamed for a multitude of disease–and it doesn’t stop just at obesity. 40% of US healthcare expenditures are used to treat diseases directly related to the over-consumption of sugar. We spend more than $1 TRILLION each year fighting the damaging health effects of sugar–which runs […]