Get In Tune With Nature!

We all feel calm and relaxed while out in nature, but why? Well, thanks to recent discoveries in neuroscience, we now know that our brains and bodies are hardwired to sync with nature, the circadian rhythms and the change of seasons. The Schumann Frequency The planet itself resonates at 7.83 Hz frequency, known as the […]
15 Surprising Ways Music Benefits our Health

“One good thing about music, is when it hits you, you feel no pain.” Bob Marley There is nothing like hearing your favorite song come on the radio. You immediately turn the volume up, probably start singing, and your mind immediately goes to the memories this song invokes. Or the feeling when you see your […]
Five Tips for Fixing Holiday Stress

For many, Christmas is the most wonderful time of year. They thrive on the hustle and bustle, decorating the halls, baking the cookies and singing along with carols on the radio. They look forward to creating family memories and seeing the lights. For others, the holidays and the stress attached is overwhelming. They’d love to […]
How Adding Adaptogens To Your Daily Routine Can Change Your Life

As of recently, adaptogens have been gaining traction in the health and wellness world. Adaptogens can now be found in a variety of products, ranging from adaptogen and nootropic supplements to additives in powders and beverages. If you have heard of adaptogens before, you have likely heard to some extent that they can have a […]
Have a Healthy Holiday – Our Top Ten Tips

The holidays are rapidly approaching, and with this year looking a little different for most of us, many are striving to make this holiday season as “normal” as possible. With that sense of normalcy, comes many traditional, and very enticing comfort foods that just wouldn’t make the holidays feel complete without them. You can enjoy […]
Top Five Tips for Dealing with Seasonal Depression and Stay Happy This Winter

The seasons are changing and often with that comes seasonal depression-fall is in full swing and winter is right around the corner. Did you know that your brain and body react to seasonal changes? With the shorter days and longer nights, some people suffer from seasonal depression referred to as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) – […]
How To Reduce Feelings of Isolation While Staying At Home During Covid-19

We are living in unprecedented times. COVID-19 is still going strong, and as such, people are experiencing feelings of isolation from social distancing to a degree never felt before. In this article, we will cover how to reduce feelings of isolation during Covid-19, the impact of social distancing on wellness, and seven tips for coping […]
From Stressed to Serene – Our Top Tips on How To Relieve Stress

If you were to evaluate your life and how you’re living would you say you’re stressed or serene? Stress relief is possible and in this post, we give you tips for stress management and the exact steps on how to relieve stress once and for all. Stress does not discriminate and comes in all shapes […]
Need a Boost? Top Ten Tips for Gaining Energy

From time to time we all feel that mid-afternoon slump. Or we wake up more tired than when we went to bed. Sometimes we just don’t have enough energy to get through the day. Most of the time that feeling can be attributed to our lifestyle choices, habits or routines. We may be over-tired, over-worked […]
Feed Your Brain – The Top Foods for Brain Health

As our population ages, an estimated 5.5 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease. By 2050 the Alzheimer’s Association estimates that up to 16 million people could be suffering from this disease. Those are grim numbers and as yet science has not come up with a cure. But can Alzheimer’s be prevented? Should we, before we get […]