Get Healthy Without Breaking A Sweat

Exercise your…brain? While many people have never heard of brainwave entrainment, it is a field of study that has over 75 years under its belt. In 1929 scientist Hans Berger discovered the Alpha brainwave. Not long after, researchers figured out that brainwaves could be strengthened using flickering lights. They called it Photic Driving. By 1942 […]
Five Tips for Fixing Holiday Stress

For many, Christmas is the most wonderful time of year. They thrive on the hustle and bustle, decorating the halls, baking the cookies and singing along with carols on the radio. They look forward to creating family memories and seeing the lights. For others, the holidays and the stress attached is overwhelming. They’d love to […]
Five Steps to Reset Your Stressed Brain

You can’t avoid it. You can’t escape from it. You know it’s out there waiting for you. It’s stress. We all have stress in our lives. Even when something extraordinary happens to us, it creates a certain amount of stress. We have deadlines, lists of things to do, people we have to deal with, and […]
The Hidden Danger in Vegetables?

Your mom said it. Your doctor says it. Everyone knows it. EAT YOUR VEGETABLES. It’s great advice. Vegetables contain fiber and nutrients our bodies need. They’re healthy right? Most of the time the answer is a resounding yes. Did you know, though, that sometimes vegetables can harm your health? As controversial as that sounds, it’s […]
Celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month with BrainTap

Every year from September 15 to October 15 we observe National Hispanic Heritage Month to recognize the contributions of Hispanic Americans to our culture. This observation was enacted by President Lyndon Johnson as Hispanic Heritage Week and later expanded by President Reagan into the month-long celebration it is today. BrainTap believes America is made up […]
Dr. Porter Shares His Six Tips For Starting Your Day With Success

Mornings are tough for many of us. The alarm startles us awake. We groan. We roll over and wish we had a few more minutes to sleep in. What if I told you mornings are the best time to set your body and mind up for success? Your morning ritual can contribute to a day […]
Need a Boost? Top Ten Tips for Gaining Energy

From time to time we all feel that mid-afternoon slump. Or we wake up more tired than when we went to bed. Sometimes we just don’t have enough energy to get through the day. Most of the time that feeling can be attributed to our lifestyle choices, habits or routines. We may be over-tired, over-worked […]
Sleep Better – 25 Proven Tips That Work

It’s 10 p.m. You’re in bed. It’s getting late, but you’re not sure you’re ready for sleep. Your mind goes over the events of the day and stress creeps in when you think of all the things you haven’t done yet. You take a deep breath, close your eyes and try to relax. It’s 12:30 […]
Preserve Your Memories – Seven Things to Avoid for Good Brain Health

WHAT IS A MEMORY? Close your eyes. Now, think back to a time in your life when you experienced something truly joyful. Birth of a child? Or hearing that child laugh for the first time? Grandma’s chocolate chip cookies? The smell and feel of the ocean on a great vacation? Puppy kisses? Whatever that time […]
The Brain Workout You Need Now

We’ve all experienced the occasional lapse in memory. You go into the kitchen but can’t remember what you wanted or forget someone’s name that you’ve known forever. Even though we call them “senior moments” those incidents can happen at any age and, for some people, they happen quite often. As we get older, we tend […]