The Top Four Mindfulness Techniques for Pain Relief
According to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies one in three people suffer chronic pain, which is defined as having pain that persists without acute injury. It can make actively participating in a meaningful life a struggle and affects: Job performance Sleep quality Sleep quantity Relationships Mobility Until recently, the most common solution […]
Need a Boost? Top Ten Tips for Gaining Energy
From time to time we all feel that mid-afternoon slump. Or we wake up more tired than when we went to bed. Sometimes we just don’t have enough energy to get through the day. Most of the time that feeling can be attributed to our lifestyle choices, habits or routines. We may be over-tired, over-worked […]
Sleep Better – 25 Proven Tips That Work
It’s 10 p.m. You’re in bed. It’s getting late, but you’re not sure you’re ready for sleep. Your mind goes over the events of the day and stress creeps in when you think of all the things you haven’t done yet. You take a deep breath, close your eyes and try to relax. It’s 12:30 […]
Preserve Your Memories – Seven Things to Avoid for Good Brain Health
WHAT IS A MEMORY? Close your eyes. Now, think back to a time in your life when you experienced something truly joyful. Birth of a child? Or hearing that child laugh for the first time? Grandma’s chocolate chip cookies? The smell and feel of the ocean on a great vacation? Puppy kisses? Whatever that time […]
Active Body, Active Brain – Best Tips for Keeping Your Brain Healthy
As we age, we start to notice little lapses in concentration, memory, and movement. We worry about dementia, Alzheimer’s or other cognitive disease stealing our memories from us. Older people are most susceptible to symptoms of dementia, depression, and anxiety. The good news is cognitive deficits can be prevented or alleviated by exercising our brains […]
Feed Your Brain – The Top Foods for Brain Health
As our population ages, an estimated 5.5 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease. By 2050 the Alzheimer’s Association estimates that up to 16 million people could be suffering from this disease. Those are grim numbers and as yet science has not come up with a cure. But can Alzheimer’s be prevented? Should we, before we get […]
Top Tips to Improve Clarity and Focus
We’ve all done it. We have an important task or phone call to complete but get a notification or text. We intend to quickly check our Facebook or Instagram account and get back to work but an hour later we’ve accomplished nothing but a personality quiz and an online debate about the usefulness of Q-tips. […]
Sleep is Vital for Kids’ Health – What You Need to Know
We all know sleep is crucial to our physical and mental health. As adults we rarely get the good, quality sleep that most experts say we need. What about our kids? If we’re not sleeping well and setting a good example, chances are our kids aren’t getting the sleep they need either–and this lack of […]
To Reach Your Goals — Get Enthusiastic
Think of a time when you got really excited about something. Wasn’t your enthusiasm infectious? Didn’t it spill over to other people and stay with you for a while, leaving you feeling happy, calm, and centered? Enthusiasm tells your brain what’s important to you, causing your brain to try to recreate that feeling over and […]
Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life: How To Get A Growth Mindset
Do you have a dream? A goal you’d like to reach but you can’t quite seem to get there? Do you wonder what’s standing in your way? Chances are it’s your mindset. Read on for how to get a growth mindset and change your life! Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset In this age of distraction, […]