Build Better Learning Skills

I was lucky growing up.  My father had studied meditation and creative visualization techniques and taught us kids to apply it in our lives at an early age; and it was these techniques that enabled me to earn my PhD.  Because of that, I spent years studying and developing the programs and systems you’re able to […]

To Reach Your Goals — Get Enthusiastic

Think of a time when you got really excited about something. Wasn’t your enthusiasm infectious? Didn’t it spill over to other people and stay with you for a while, leaving you feeling happy, calm, and centered? Enthusiasm tells your brain what’s important to you, causing your brain to try to recreate that feeling over and […]

The Ultimate in Biohacking

We live our lives through our nervous system and today we are all subjected to constant, chronic, low levels of physical, chemical, emotional and electromagnetic stress which causes damage, degeneration and disease. This has propelled us into the early stages of the worst health epidemic of all time: The Neurologic Epidemic! The Need For Biohacking […]

The Secret to Steve Jobs’ Success

What does big business have to do with brain-based wellness?  You wouldn’t think much.  In fact, you’d think the two were polar opposites and in a lot of cases they are, but if you read Steve Jobs’ biography, you’ll find that one of the world’s most successful businessmen practiced mindfulness. Could that be the secret […]

Cancer Treatment Gets a Boost from Braintapping

Cancer. That single word strikes fear in the hearts of almost everyone.  It ranks right up there with war, famine, and other diseases as a deadly horror. People ravaged by this disease are burdened with tension, depression, worry, and sleepless nights.  Worse, the very stress associated with diagnosis and treatment can suppress the immune system […]

How they lived to 100 (it’s not what you think)!

The Secret to Living a Century and Beyond While you’d think most centenarians — people who’ve lived 100 years or longer — would offer up lots of do’s and don’ts or diet and exercise regimens, their longevity secrets, it turns out, have little to do with most of the usual healthy-living recommendations. In fact, many spent a […]

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