Want to Stay Young? Try Being Nice…
A few weeks ago, our blog talked about how having a negative mindset can affect our physical health in a negative way. This week we’re going to flip the coin and talk about how being kind can have a positive effect on your health. Kindness is one of the most overlooked things we can do […]
The Mind Body Connection
I have this friend. She can be a wonderful, caring person but she’s constantly sick. She’s either got a cold or stomach issues or she just “doesn’t feel good.” It causes her to frequently cancel plans to the point that she rarely leaves her house. Since I was worried about her, I started to take […]
Avoiding Resolution Failure
“A goal is a dream with a deadline,” Napoleon Hill Last week we talked about New Year’s Resolutions and simple ways to keep them. This week let’s talk about why we fail and how to avoid the cycle of failure when setting goals this year. Setting a goal or resolution is only part of the […]
Why “Me Time” Is So Important
As I sat here composing this blog, it struck me as it has many others, I’m sure, that we just don’t have much time for creativity anymore. Between our work, families, electronics, and other obligations, creativity gets lost in the shuffle, much to our detriment. Women especially have historically been stifled due to the time […]
Nutritional Psychiatry – Making the Brain Gut Connection
“You are what you eat.” We’ve all heard that before. You may have noticed that you feel better when you eat certain foods, but have you ever really thought about the fact that what you feed your gut directly affects your mental health? Science is beginning to understand that the foods we eat directly control […]
The Secret to Steve Jobs’ Success
What does big business have to do with brain-based wellness? You wouldn’t think much. In fact, you’d think the two were polar opposites and in a lot of cases they are, but if you read Steve Jobs’ biography, you’ll find that one of the world’s most successful businessmen practiced mindfulness. Could that be the secret […]
Overcoming Workplace Burnout: The Solution is at Your Fingertips!
Have you ever had a moment in your career where you just did not want to go to work? Has it become more and more difficult each day to drag yourself out of your house and make that commute? Does getting things done seem like a mountainous task? Have you felt like you were on […]
Want to Fight Dementia? Grab a Handful of Blueberries
If you knew there was a food you could add to your diet proven to fight the effects of aging and dementia, you’d probably eat it, wouldn’t you? Well, get to your local farmer’s market now because blueberries are the wonder food of the future. Blueberries fight off the harmful effects of free radicals, keep […]
Why Women Are Developing Alzheimer’s at Alarming Rates
A study out from Johns Hopkins University suggests that stress affects women’s brains far more severely than men’s, which may explain why women develop dementia, Alzheimer’s, and related illnesses at faster rates than men. Long Term Study Results 909 study participants based in Baltimore, Maryland, participated in a long-range study at the National Institute of […]
Combating Stress in Our Kids
“On a cold March afternoon, the hallways were abuzz with chatter and giggles at Chatsworth Elementary School in Larchmont, New York. As the kindergarteners from Liz Slade’s class ambled into their classroom from lunch and recess and put their jackets and lunch boxes into their cubbies, Slade asked, “Can today’s mindful leader please come upfront […]