The Top Four Mindfulness Techniques for Pain Relief

According to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies one in three people suffer chronic pain, which is defined as having pain that persists without acute injury. It can make actively participating in a meaningful life a struggle and affects: Job performance Sleep quality Sleep quantity Relationships Mobility Until recently, the most common solution […]
Our Five Steps to Gaining Clarity

Our lives are full of distractions. Distractions can cause confusion and doubt and leave us feeling uncertain about which direction to go in. Daily pressure makes it difficult to focus our thinking, but it’s not an impossible task. Imagine a life free of distractions and confusion, being able to concentrate with laser focus. Learning to […]
How-To Guide for Practicing Mindfulness

What does it mean to be mindful? Being mindful means being fully present in the moment. When you can achieve this state of mind, even for short periods of time, you are creating the optimal environment for mind and body balance and harmony. You can create changes in your brain that are beneficial to your […]
Spring Clean Your Brain

Spring is a time of renewal and cleansing. We watch new buds form. We spruce up our gardens and flowerbeds. We clean our homes to make things fresh and new. Drawing inspiration from experts like Marie Kondo, spring encourages us to simplify. We find ourselves with excess clutter and have the urge to streamline our […]
Stress Awareness Day

Stress Awareness Day is traditionally observed on April 16th, the day after tax day. Tax day has been postponed this year until July, but being aware of stress and how it is affecting us–especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic–is especially important. Our world is operating in a state of chronic super stress and […]
Transform Your Spring

It’s almost Easter. This is the time of year when we begin to think about rebirth and transformation. The earth is waking up from its long winter nap and we are emerging from our own hibernation. This year spring has been difficult for most of us. We aren’t able to go out and enjoy the […]
Want To Be Healthier? Get Social.

The societies we’re born into and the societies we create in our lives shape who we are as people. Communication is so important to us as a species that we constantly work to develop new ways to communicate. It started with carving on rocks, moved to pen and paper, telephone, internet, and now we have […]
Want to Stay Young? Try Being Nice…

A few weeks ago, our blog talked about how having a negative mindset can affect our physical health in a negative way. This week we’re going to flip the coin and talk about how being kind can have a positive effect on your health. Kindness is one of the most overlooked things we can do […]
The Ultimate in Biohacking

We live our lives through our nervous system and today we are all subjected to constant, chronic, low levels of physical, chemical, emotional and electromagnetic stress which causes damage, degeneration and disease. This has propelled us into the early stages of the worst health epidemic of all time: The Neurologic Epidemic! The Need For Biohacking […]
Use It or Lose It? Not Anymore!

We’ve all heard the phrase “use it or lose it,” especially in connection to our brain activity as we age. As the population’s biggest generation ages, concerns about Alzheimer’s and dementia are growing and science is racing to find cures or treatments to ameliorate the decline in our brain function as we get older. Easy […]