Get In Tune With Nature!

We all feel calm and relaxed while out in nature, but why? Well, thanks to recent discoveries in neuroscience, we now know that our brains and bodies are hardwired to sync with nature, the circadian rhythms and the change of seasons. The Schumann Frequency The planet itself resonates at 7.83 Hz frequency, known as the […]
Does too little sleep make you less attractive?

Side Effects of Poor Sleep There are many known side effects from getting too little or poor quality sleep. Daytime drowsiness, irritability, lack of concentration, poor memory, and suppressed immune function, just to name a few. Chronic lack of sleep can also be dangerous, causing such things as low blood sugar, relentless fatigue, anxiety, and […]
Wow, is THIS why you can’t sleep?

We’ve all experienced sleep issues due to the stress in our daily lives. Whether it’s work, relationship issues, financial problems or just life in general, we’ve all suffered a sleepless night or two, dreading the alarm, missing a restful night’s sleep. According to a study in the International Journal of Psychophysiology, evolution may be to […]
Freedom from Addiction

It’s my goal that you become aware of all the ways in which BrainTap Technology can help you improve your life. No matter what obstacle you’re facing or what goal you have, we are here to help you get where you want to go. That’s why this week I’ve chosen to speak to you about Freedom […]
Build Better Learning Skills

I was lucky growing up. My father had studied meditation and creative visualization techniques and taught us kids to apply it in our lives at an early age; and it was these techniques that enabled me to earn my PhD. Because of that, I spent years studying and developing the programs and systems you’re able to […]
15 Surprising Ways Music Benefits our Health

“One good thing about music, is when it hits you, you feel no pain.” Bob Marley There is nothing like hearing your favorite song come on the radio. You immediately turn the volume up, probably start singing, and your mind immediately goes to the memories this song invokes. Or the feeling when you see your […]
Is Your Glass Half Full or Half Empty?

Are you a glass half full or a glass half empty type person? Do you tend to see the positive, even in stressful situations? Or do you immediately assume the worst and focus on the negative? People generally fall into two categories when it comes to how we see the world–optimist or pessimist. If you’re […]
Five Tips for Fixing Holiday Stress

For many, Christmas is the most wonderful time of year. They thrive on the hustle and bustle, decorating the halls, baking the cookies and singing along with carols on the radio. They look forward to creating family memories and seeing the lights. For others, the holidays and the stress attached is overwhelming. They’d love to […]
BrainTap Technology Offers Life Mastery in an Uncertain World

When you graduate from high school or college it feels as if the whole world is laid out in front of you. You’ve got big dreams, ambitions and goals you want to reach and you have that certainty that it is only a matter of time until you have the world on a string. What […]
Break Free From Addiction

I want to talk to you about a subject most people like to keep hidden. It’s not a subject we like to talk about but because so many people in today’s overworked and over-stressed society are suffering, I felt it was important to address it. That subject is alcohol addiction. In today’s society we are […]