Want to Fight Dementia? Grab a Handful of Blueberries

If you knew there was a food you could add to your diet proven to fight the effects of aging and dementia, you’d probably eat it, wouldn’t you? Well, get to your local farmer’s market now because blueberries are the wonder food of the future. Blueberries fight off the harmful effects of free radicals, keep […]

Cancer Treatment Gets a Boost from Braintapping

Cancer. That single word strikes fear in the hearts of almost everyone.  It ranks right up there with war, famine, and other diseases as a deadly horror. People ravaged by this disease are burdened with tension, depression, worry, and sleepless nights.  Worse, the very stress associated with diagnosis and treatment can suppress the immune system […]

5 Surprising Ways Braintapping Can Help Your Career!

Learn how to meditate, even if you're a beginner and have never done it before.

Do you remember what life was like before 2008? Before the housing bubble burst and the economy crashed? Was your life less stressful than it is now? What about living in a technology-driven world? Technology was developed to make our lives easier, but do you find it’s made your life more complicated and stressful? There’s […]

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