Preserve Your Memories – Seven Things to Avoid for Good Brain Health

WHAT IS A MEMORY? Close your eyes.  Now, think back to a time in your life when you experienced something truly joyful. Birth of a child? Or hearing that child laugh for the first time? Grandma’s chocolate chip cookies? The smell and feel of the ocean on a great vacation? Puppy kisses? Whatever that time […]

Feed Your Brain – The Top Foods for Brain Health

As our population ages, an estimated 5.5 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease. By 2050 the Alzheimer’s Association estimates that up to 16 million people could be suffering from this disease. Those are grim numbers and as yet science has not come up with a cure. But can Alzheimer’s be prevented? Should we, before we get […]

Sleep Learning? Another Good Reason to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

We know about the brain benefits of a good night’s sleep.  Sleeping not only recharges us physically but also helps reduce brain fog, improve clarity, and improve memory and recall.  Now, science is discovering that it may be possible for us to learn while we sleep. In the past it was believed that we needed […]

Sleep is Vital for Kids’ Health – What You Need to Know

We all know sleep is crucial to our physical and mental health. As adults we rarely get the good, quality sleep that most experts say we need. What about our kids? If we’re not sleeping well and setting a good example, chances are our kids aren’t getting the sleep they need either–and this lack of […]

To Reach Your Goals — Get Enthusiastic

Think of a time when you got really excited about something. Wasn’t your enthusiasm infectious? Didn’t it spill over to other people and stay with you for a while, leaving you feeling happy, calm, and centered? Enthusiasm tells your brain what’s important to you, causing your brain to try to recreate that feeling over and […]

Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life: How To Get A Growth Mindset

Do you have a dream?  A goal you’d like to reach but you can’t quite seem to get there? Do you wonder what’s standing in your way?  Chances are it’s your mindset. Read on for how to get a growth mindset and change your life! Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset In this age of distraction, […]

Our Five Steps to Gaining Clarity

Our lives are full of distractions. Distractions can cause confusion and doubt and leave us feeling uncertain about which direction to go in. Daily pressure makes it difficult to focus our thinking, but it’s not an impossible task. Imagine a life free of distractions and confusion, being able to concentrate with laser focus. Learning to […]

The Brain Workout You Need Now

We’ve all experienced the occasional lapse in memory.  You go into the kitchen but can’t remember what you wanted or forget someone’s name that you’ve known forever. Even though we call them “senior moments” those incidents can happen at any age and, for some people, they happen quite often. As we get older, we tend […]

How Long Should I Nap? Five Tips to Effective Napping

Man listening to braintap

Taking a nap midday is still common in many Mediterranean and European countries.  As children we frequently napped, whether we wanted to or not.  As adults in the United States, we’d love to take a midday break, but rarely take the time for this important practice.  With busy lives and schedules, super stress, and our […]

The One Reason Changing Your Life is Hard

guided meditations

Most of us would like to make positive changes in our lives, whether it’s healthier eating, regular exercise, defeating bad habits such as procrastination, or developing good habits such as decluttering, patience, mindfulness, reading and learning, or being more productive. Despite our best efforts, though, we tend to fall back into the same old habits […]