People everywhere are suffering from chronic brain-stress. Could smartphones be the culprit?
Nobody can argue with the fact that technology has made our lives easier in immeasurable ways. It helps keep our schedules and appointments, answers our questions, and keeps us in touch with friends and family across many miles. But have you ever taken the time to consider the harm you may be doing to your […]
You or someone you love may be suffering from Sympathetic Survival Syndrome and not even know it. Here’s why…
If you were to make an honest evaluation of your life, would you discover that you feel overloaded and stressed-out most of your day? It’s true that we all feel stressed out to some extent—at work, at home, culturally—and we’re all susceptible to money, time, and relationship stress to varying degrees. Our unlimited access to […]
Learn how to CHOOSE your responses to stress…and a create a virtually stress-free lifestyle!
Famed psychiatrist Viktor Frankl once said, “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies growth and freedom.” Choose Your Response To Stressful Situations In order to grow and change, we must be able to choose our responses to stressful situations. When […]
Discover the Beneficial Form of Stress that Can Get You Whatever You Want in Life
Stress happens It’s a natural part of our everyday lives, and the right kind of stress can even be beneficial to your health. What’s that? You didn’t know there was a useful form of stress? Well, it’s true. In fact, there are three different types of stress, and only one of them is inherently bad for […]