How and Why Does the Brain Generate Dreams While You Are Sleeping?
Dreams have fascinated people for centuries, inspiring myths, scientific investigation, and personal reflection. One of the most influential modern theories on dreaming is the Activation-Synthesis Theory. Developed in the 1970s by John Allan Hobson and Robert McCarley, this theory challenges earlier notions by thinkers like Freud, who believed dreams were expressions of hidden desires or symbolic meanings. Instead, Activation-Synthesis suggests that dreams are the brain’s attempt to organize and interpret random neural activity that occurs during sleep.
Need a Brain Boost? How Exercise Enhances Brain Fitness
Everyone knows that exercise is good for our bodies, but did you know it’s also great for your brain? Research shows that exercise can improve memory and critical thinking skills. We also know that brain training can be beneficial to keeping our minds sharp as we age. But what happens if we do both? Well, […]
Employ this one simple philosophy and you can be a success at anything
By: Patrick K. Porter, PhD If I were to ask you what Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, and Steve Jobs all have in common, what would you say? For most people, the first response is that they were all great visionaries. They could see what no one else saw. But is that what really made them […]
BrainTap’s audio-sessions and headset explained
BrainTap lets you reach the same states reached in deep meditation, but without years of disciplined practice. It’s a state that leads to mental clarity, greater intuition, and effortless behavior change. BrainTap enhances sleep, so you can awaken feeling rejuvenated and energized. It reduces stress, worry, and irritability while supporting emotional stability and mental harmony. By […]
Side-effects of worrying worse than what you’re worried about
We all worry at times—about bills, kids, jobs and the economy to name a few. But when worry becomes a constant in our fast-paced lives, it can seem as if there’s no end in sight. Worry is one of the most common causes of suffering in America. It contributes to stress, overeating, smoking, alcoholism and drug […]
Help For the Autistic Child
Autism and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are terms used to describe a constellation of developmental brain disorders characterized by a spectrum of behavioral deficits including problems in social interaction, problems with communication both verbally and non-verbally, and repetitive, often harmful behaviors. Autism has become one of the nation’s fastest-growing epidemics– with 1 in 68 children diagnosed. The High […]