Harnessing Visualization for Relaxation and Stress Relief

Stress affects millions worldwide, often manifesting through physical and emotional tension. A powerful tool for promoting relaxation and stress relief is visualization, a technique that taps into the mind’s ability to create mental images that promote calmness and manage stress. When combined with BrainTap’s meditation sessions, visualization can unlock even greater potential for calming the mind, making it an invaluable resource for enhancing well-being.
Prioritizing Mental Health for Students: A Holistic Approach with BrainTap.

Maintaining good mental health is essential for everyone, but it holds special significance for students. The demanding academic environment, coupled with the challenges of personal growth and social interactions, makes prioritizing mental well-being critical. Mental health significantly influences academic performance and overall quality of life, impacting various aspects of a student’s journey.
Does too little sleep make you less attractive?

Side Effects of Poor Sleep There are many known side effects from getting too little or poor quality sleep. Daytime drowsiness, irritability, lack of concentration, poor memory, and suppressed immune function, just to name a few. Chronic lack of sleep can also be dangerous, causing such things as low blood sugar, relentless fatigue, anxiety, and […]
Five Tips for Fixing Holiday Stress

For many, Christmas is the most wonderful time of year. They thrive on the hustle and bustle, decorating the halls, baking the cookies and singing along with carols on the radio. They look forward to creating family memories and seeing the lights. For others, the holidays and the stress attached is overwhelming. They’d love to […]
Celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month with BrainTap

Every year from September 15 to October 15 we observe National Hispanic Heritage Month to recognize the contributions of Hispanic Americans to our culture. This observation was enacted by President Lyndon Johnson as Hispanic Heritage Week and later expanded by President Reagan into the month-long celebration it is today. BrainTap believes America is made up […]
To Reach Your Goals — Get Enthusiastic

Think of a time when you got really excited about something. Wasn’t your enthusiasm infectious? Didn’t it spill over to other people and stay with you for a while, leaving you feeling happy, calm, and centered? Enthusiasm tells your brain what’s important to you, causing your brain to try to recreate that feeling over and […]
Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life: How To Get A Growth Mindset

Do you have a dream? A goal you’d like to reach but you can’t quite seem to get there? Do you wonder what’s standing in your way? Chances are it’s your mindset. Read on for how to get a growth mindset and change your life! Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset In this age of distraction, […]
Spring Clean Your Brain

Spring is a time of renewal and cleansing. We watch new buds form. We spruce up our gardens and flowerbeds. We clean our homes to make things fresh and new. Drawing inspiration from experts like Marie Kondo, spring encourages us to simplify. We find ourselves with excess clutter and have the urge to streamline our […]
Stress Awareness Day

Stress Awareness Day is traditionally observed on April 16th, the day after tax day. Tax day has been postponed this year until July, but being aware of stress and how it is affecting us–especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic–is especially important. Our world is operating in a state of chronic super stress and […]
Transform Your Spring

It’s almost Easter. This is the time of year when we begin to think about rebirth and transformation. The earth is waking up from its long winter nap and we are emerging from our own hibernation. This year spring has been difficult for most of us. We aren’t able to go out and enjoy the […]