March is Brain Injury Awareness Month

Every 9 seconds someone, somewhere in the United States sustains a brain injury. I’d guess that you know someone or are someone who has suffered an injury of one type or another. 47.9% of brain injuries are caused by a simple fall. That’s how I got mine. I slipped in the shower, fell back and […]
Let’s all be Betties…

We love Betty White, don’t we? That sassy smile. The twinkle in her eye. It’s hard to believe she is 98 years young, isn’t it? When we think about aging, we want to be like Betty White, or Mel Brooks–someone who is not only aging but enjoying and thriving. The good news is life expectancy […]
Want To Be Healthier? Get Social.

The societies we’re born into and the societies we create in our lives shape who we are as people. Communication is so important to us as a species that we constantly work to develop new ways to communicate. It started with carving on rocks, moved to pen and paper, telephone, internet, and now we have […]
Sugar – The New Cigarette?

The clink of ice in a glass, the pop of the can being opened, the fizz and bubbles, that crisp, refreshing taste when that cold soda hits your mouth for the first time on a hot summer day. There’s nothing better, right? And once you’ve had one, you want another one and another one. While […]
BrainTap Joins The Healthy Duke Initiative

When I set out to create BrainTap I was 12 years old. I didn’t have the headset in mind at that time, but I did have the idea that calming the brain and relaxation were key to succeeding at my goals. Since that time, many years ago, I’ve worked hard to create a company that […]
Want to Stay Young? Try Being Nice…

A few weeks ago, our blog talked about how having a negative mindset can affect our physical health in a negative way. This week we’re going to flip the coin and talk about how being kind can have a positive effect on your health. Kindness is one of the most overlooked things we can do […]
The Ultimate in Biohacking

We live our lives through our nervous system and today we are all subjected to constant, chronic, low levels of physical, chemical, emotional and electromagnetic stress which causes damage, degeneration and disease. This has propelled us into the early stages of the worst health epidemic of all time: The Neurologic Epidemic! The Need For Biohacking […]
The Sleep Detox

Detoxing is all the rage these days. Everyone’s got a detox for your gut or for your skin, but new research is showing that sleep may be the best detox for your brain. Slow Wave Sleep REM sleep is a valuable tool in resting and revitalizing our bodies, but science is finding that it may […]
Use It or Lose It? Not Anymore!

We’ve all heard the phrase “use it or lose it,” especially in connection to our brain activity as we age. As the population’s biggest generation ages, concerns about Alzheimer’s and dementia are growing and science is racing to find cures or treatments to ameliorate the decline in our brain function as we get older. Easy […]
Avoiding Resolution Failure

“A goal is a dream with a deadline,” Napoleon Hill Last week we talked about New Year’s Resolutions and simple ways to keep them. This week let’s talk about why we fail and how to avoid the cycle of failure when setting goals this year. Setting a goal or resolution is only part of the […]