Active Body, Active Brain – Best Tips for Keeping Your Brain Healthy
As we age, we start to notice little lapses in concentration, memory, and movement. We worry about dementia, Alzheimer’s or other cognitive disease stealing our memories from us. Older people are most susceptible to symptoms of dementia, depression, and anxiety. The good news is cognitive deficits can be prevented or alleviated by exercising our brains […]
Feed Your Brain – The Top Foods for Brain Health
As our population ages, an estimated 5.5 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease. By 2050 the Alzheimer’s Association estimates that up to 16 million people could be suffering from this disease. Those are grim numbers and as yet science has not come up with a cure. But can Alzheimer’s be prevented? Should we, before we get […]
Why Women Are Developing Alzheimer’s at Alarming Rates
A study out from Johns Hopkins University suggests that stress affects women’s brains far more severely than men’s, which may explain why women develop dementia, Alzheimer’s, and related illnesses at faster rates than men. Long Term Study Results 909 study participants based in Baltimore, Maryland, participated in a long-range study at the National Institute of […]