Preserve Your Memories – Seven Things to Avoid for Good Brain Health

WHAT IS A MEMORY? Close your eyes. Now, think back to a time in your life when you experienced something truly joyful. Birth of a child? Or hearing that child laugh for the first time? Grandma’s chocolate chip cookies? The smell and feel of the ocean on a great vacation? Puppy kisses? Whatever that time […]
The Brain Workout You Need Now

We’ve all experienced the occasional lapse in memory. You go into the kitchen but can’t remember what you wanted or forget someone’s name that you’ve known forever. Even though we call them “senior moments” those incidents can happen at any age and, for some people, they happen quite often. As we get older, we tend […]
Let’s all be Betties…

We love Betty White, don’t we? That sassy smile. The twinkle in her eye. It’s hard to believe she is 98 years young, isn’t it? When we think about aging, we want to be like Betty White, or Mel Brooks–someone who is not only aging but enjoying and thriving. The good news is life expectancy […]
Want to Stay Young? Try Being Nice…

A few weeks ago, our blog talked about how having a negative mindset can affect our physical health in a negative way. This week we’re going to flip the coin and talk about how being kind can have a positive effect on your health. Kindness is one of the most overlooked things we can do […]
Use It or Lose It? Not Anymore!

We’ve all heard the phrase “use it or lose it,” especially in connection to our brain activity as we age. As the population’s biggest generation ages, concerns about Alzheimer’s and dementia are growing and science is racing to find cures or treatments to ameliorate the decline in our brain function as we get older. Easy […]