The Secret to Steve Jobs’ Success

What does big business have to do with brain-based wellness? You wouldn’t think much. In fact, you’d think the two were polar opposites and in a lot of cases they are, but if you read Steve Jobs’ biography, you’ll find that one of the world’s most successful businessmen practiced mindfulness. Could that be the secret […]
The Mind-Body Connection and Your Health

Have you ever gotten so angry that you were sick to your stomach? Ever been so sad you’ve felt weak? Ever been told you have high blood pressure and you shouldn’t subject yourself to too much stress? If you’ve ever suspected there was a connection between your mind (how and what you think) and your […]
The Smartphone Generation: Should Parents Be Concerned?

For as long as screen-based technology has existed, concerned parents have questioned the potential consequences of its presence in the lives of their children. Even when it was limited to devices like a television set in the family room, the fear that technology could developmentally stunt children and adolescents was alive and well. That anxiety […]
Four New Year’s Resolutions to Support Your Brain Health

As December begins to wind down, many of us are beginning to look at the coming year and consider the ways we might improve our quality of life. We encourage this; it’s an ideal time to take stock of the areas of your life that could benefit from some subtle shifts in perspective, as well […]
The 4 simple steps to building a resilient brain

By: Patrick K. Porter, PhD On September 14, 2018, from my brother’s home in Alabama, I watched the television in horror as Hurricane Florence dismantled my hometown of New Bern, North Carolina—the town I had grown to love. Once the storm had passed, and I saw the aftermath on the news, I wondered how we […]
Employ this one simple philosophy and you can be a success at anything

By: Patrick K. Porter, PhD If I were to ask you what Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, and Steve Jobs all have in common, what would you say? For most people, the first response is that they were all great visionaries. They could see what no one else saw. But is that what really made them […]
Recent study on mice further proves health benefits of deep meditation

Did you know mice can meditate? Recently, a study was conducted at the University of Oregon by Dr. Michael Posner to study the effect meditation has on the brain. Posner and his team were able to simulate the neurological effects of meditation practices of humans in mice using electrical implants. The mice didn’t know they […]
What is brain wellness and why is it the key to health and longevity?

Why do I need to take care of my brain? This is a fundamental question we should all be asking ourselves, because it’s simply not possible to have a genuinely healthy body without a freely functioning nervous system. And, given that 70% of the nervous system is in the brain, it makes sense that healing […]
Study of meditation and brain waves in Buddhist monks confounds Wisconsin researchers

Mingyur’s Study In September of 2002, a Tibetan monk by the name of Mingyur Rinpoche traveled from Kathmandu, Nepal to Madison, Wisconsin to let scientists study his brain while he meditated. The monk’s brainwaves were to be measured with a specially designed cap with 256 thin wire sensors applied to the scalp. Mingyur was asked […]
Yes, You Can Achieve Mind-Over-Menopause!

Effects of Menopause For women, mid-life can be a perplexing time of discomfort, uncertainty and confusion. The body’s response to decreased hormone production creates physical and mental symptoms that can be hard to manage, with mood swings, hot flashes, insomnia, and weight gain topping the list. The good news is, menopause symptoms can be lessened, […]