Understanding Neuroplasticity and BrainTap’s Role in Brain Enhancement

BrainTap Neuroplasticity

Neuroplasticity, the brain’s remarkable ability to reorganize itself, is at the heart of cognitive enhancement and mental resilience. In the evolving landscape of neurotechnology, BrainTap emerges as a key player, harnessing this incredible brain capacity. This post delves into how BrainTap, leveraging the principles of neuroplasticity, offers a path to enhanced cognitive functions, improved mental health, and overall brain wellness.

Holidays and Brain Health: Tips for Handling Stress

For many of us Thanksgiving kicks off the holiday season.  It’s a wonderful time of year.  Family and friends gather to share a meal and laughter.  People connect with loved ones they haven’t seen in a while. But along with all the best parts of the holidays, there is another side–one that may be affecting […]

Five Steps to Reset Your Stressed Brain

You can’t avoid it. You can’t escape from it. You know it’s out there waiting for you. It’s stress. We all have stress in our lives. Even when something extraordinary happens to us, it creates a certain amount of stress. We have deadlines, lists of things to do, people we have to deal with, and […]

Brain Fitness – Five Tips For A Healthy Brain

Your brain is the most important organ you have.  It’s the control center that runs every other system in your body.  If you don’t keep it fit and healthy, your entire body suffers.  And, just like physical fitness, brain fitness has many benefits for all the systems in our bodies. We’re not talking about doing […]

Dr. Porter Shares His Six Tips For Starting Your Day With Success

Mornings are tough for many of us. The alarm startles us awake.  We groan.  We roll over and wish we had a few more minutes to sleep in.  What if I told you mornings are the best time to set your body and mind up for success?  Your morning ritual can contribute to a day […]

How stress affects the brain and body systems

stress relief

A daily headache, chronic muscle pain, digestive complaints, and a host of other issues are common complaints at the doctor’s office. A common culprit for these not-so-pleasant experiences? Stress. With many contributing factors, stress may be affecting your body without you even knowing it. Stress can not only affect your body but also your mood […]

What is the Cerebellum? 8 Brain Terms You Need To Know

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The cerebe-what? Listen, we get it. The brain can be a complicated subject. People spend years learning and understanding this complicated organ. And we are still learning, too! We want to help you understand the basics of the brain on your journey to greater mindfulness. The Brain Basics The brain is one of the largest […]

Self-Care and Valentine’s Day: 7 Ways to Love Yourself

Man doing yoga

For some, Valentine’s Day is a triggering holiday. With all the talk of romance and relationships, it can be easy to write off the day completely. Whether you are single or in a relationship, this holiday can be a day of self-love and self-care. Self-Care and Valentine’s Day: Why It’s About More Than Romance How […]

Preserve Your Memories – Seven Things to Avoid for Good Brain Health

WHAT IS A MEMORY? Close your eyes.  Now, think back to a time in your life when you experienced something truly joyful. Birth of a child? Or hearing that child laugh for the first time? Grandma’s chocolate chip cookies? The smell and feel of the ocean on a great vacation? Puppy kisses? Whatever that time […]

Ditch the Busyness: 15 Tips for Slowing Down Your Life

We live in a world that demands that we be highly productive, goal oriented, mobile, adaptive and high achievers both at work and in our private lives.  Often, we move so fast that sometimes we find it impossible to slow down and appreciate where we are in any particular moment.  We think if we slow […]

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