Switching Gears – the Power of Light and Sound

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Imagine if your brain worked like a gear shift in your car. What would happen to the engine if that gear shift was stuck in second gear? You’d eventually crash or burn your motor out. That’s what happens to our brains when we are stuck in fight or flight mode due to stress. 

Without being able to change gears and relax, you’re going to crash or burn out.

Technology vs. Biology 

What happens to our biology when we use technology all day, every day? We aren’t moving our bodies and our brains are stressed out. We dream of relaxing, but most of us have no clue how. Some people even stress their brains out more by trying to relax and failing.  

Think of our ancestors for a moment. Maybe you’re a hunter. Perhaps you’re a gatherer. Either way, your life wasn’t greatly stressful. You rose with the sun, went about your daily tasks, and came back together as a tribe in the evening  gathering around the fire. Maybe there’s a drum circle. You relax and fall asleep quickly and naturally.

Think of your life now. 

Technology has changed our biology. We have more stress now than in any other generation in history, but we’re not learning to handle it effectively, and our bodies and minds are crashing. Researchers say that stress and our inability to deal with it effectively is one of the leading causes of Alzheimer’s and dementia. In 1980, 2.8 million people were diagnosed with probable Alzheimer’s. By 2020 that number rose to six million, and that number will likely increase to 13 million by 2050. One in three senior citizens will die from Alzheimer’s or related dementia–more than breast cancer and prostate cancer combined. 

There is a problem.  

So what did our ancestors have that we don’t? Less stress, among other things. But let’s go back to our campfire and drum circle. Those drums beating in rhythm relaxed the tribe’s brainwaves much in the same way that the binaural beats and isochronic tones in a BrainTap audio session do. Your brain shifts gears without effort on your part.  

Sound and the Nervous System 

You’re probably wondering how sound could possibly relax your nervous system. Five percent of your conscious mind is thinking conscious thoughts. But that part of your mind doesn’t control your biology. Your subconscious mind controls your body’s functions, and it’s aware of every single thing going on in your body at any given moment in time. We take in information at a rate of 25,000 times a second. Your conscious mind can only act on 40 pieces of that information. What’s taking care of the rest? Your unconscious mind. That’s why trying to relax or make a change on a conscious level is so complicated, and that’s why using BrainTap is so efficient. BrainTap speaks directly to your unconscious mind.  

BrainTap uses that science and mixes sound with an algorithm that moves someone into different brainwaves states, helping you move from a reactionary state, where we spend a good bit of our time, into a thriving and creative state.  

Now think about the technology around us that we don’t even pay attention to. Most of us set an alarm at night. That immediately sets the body up for anticipatory stress. You’ve signaled the brain that at some point you’re going to get jolted out of deep, relaxing sleep and immediately find yourself in fight or flight mode.  

You get up and start your morning rituals. You have children, your phone’s notifications are going off, your emails are piling up, the news is on in the background, and your body stays in stress mode with no break. Our evenings are no different. While our ancestors gathered around the campfire and prepared for the day’s end in a relaxed state, we immerse ourselves in TV or phones or video games—all of which are continually stressing our brains out, which doesn’t prepare us for a restful, restorative night of sleep.   

The Light Effect

What else did our ancestors have that we don’t? Go back to the campfire again. Remember as a kid when you may have gone camping with family? Gathering around the fire at night and watching the flickering light was a sure-fire way to unwind from the day’s fun. Today, we can mimic that firelight. BrainTap tunes LEDs in the BrainTap Headset to specific frequencies seen and felt through the eyes and ears. With our eyes closed, the nervous system is attracted to the light, and the reticular activating system is engaged. The brain begins to balance, and the body starts to relax. With science, we’ve learned how to use these light frequencies to wake up the brain in the morning, reboot in the middle of the day, or relax you at night—all without conscious effort on your part.

How Does it Work?

Have you ever had an experience where you went to the beach? Maybe you didn’t want to go, but you went anyway. You arrive stressed and frazzled and in a bad mood. 

You settle in your beach chair, and you begin to relax with the warmth of the sun. The waves crash along the shoreline lulling you with the soothing sound.  The sunlight dances off the water and without even trying your body relaxes, and your mood improves.  

Why do you suppose that happens? You suddenly find yourself totally and completely relaxed. 

It happens because of something called frequency following response. Our bodies mimic the frequencies found in nature. That’s why people relax at the beach or in the mountains, or a quiet forest. The earth is giving off frequencies, and our bodies naturally follow along. 

The ten-cycle rhythm of the ocean creates acetylcholine release in our bodies. That’s the same neurotransmitter released in our bodies when we have feelings of love. BrainTap mimics that with light, sound and vibration so your body releases the same chemical allowing you to relax and attain motivating and energizing brainwave states. 

 The Proof

BrainTap conducted a study and presented the findings at the National Institute of Health in 2020. The study consisted of 100 people, 50 men, and 50 women. They had no meditation experience, but they wanted to relax and lose weight. Their stress levels were measured before and after a BrainTap session. The results showed a 38.5% stress index response in 20 minutes. Think about your own life. How much happier and more relaxed would you be if you could lower your stress by almost 40% in just 20 relaxing minutes a day?  

Without any practice, you can press play and switch gears—and prevent a cognitive crash down the road. There’s no need to spend years learning to meditate like a master. You don’t have to throw your cell phone in the trash or cut your cable. You just have to download an app and press play. We’ll do the rest. 

Our mission is to better a billion brains, and we’re starting with yours.  

Click HERE now for a free 15 day trial of the BrainTap Pro App.  


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