Common Roadblocks in Your Meditation Practice

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We all know cultivating a regular meditation practice is important. It helps to decrease your stress levels and increase your sleep quality, energy, productivity, and clarity. But don’t let roadblocks keep you from a regular meditation practice! Read on to find how out how to overcome the common obstacles that keep people from their mindfulness goals.

How to overcome meditation roadblocks

In some cultures, a meditative practice may require a lot of your time. People regularly meditate for hours on end.

Yet, we also live in a time of instant gratification. Everything is available at the click of a button, and our lives are busily moving from one calendar appointment to the next.

So, how can you cultivate a meditation practice with such a busy life? You must make the time for it, even if it is just 10 minutes.

Roadblock 1: TIME

Consider practicing at a set time every day: like upon waking at the start of the day or right before bedtime. Carve out the time in your daily schedule and try to make it a habit that you don’t forget.

Making meditation a part of your regular daily rhythm will help you overcome the roadblock of spending too much or too little time on your new habit.

Prioritizing meditation can help in every aspect of your life.


Roadblock 2: Focus

If you find that overcoming your lack of focus and being present during meditation is difficult, you are not alone.

It’s difficult to be present when you’ve got a lot going on in your brain. Thoughts come and go and before you know it, your session time is up and you haven’t meditated at all.

Consider doing a guided meditation if you need help bringing your mind back to the present moment. Alternatively, a meditation practice that requires no effort or focus by you may be very helpful in overcoming this common roadblock.

Making mindfulness a habit, such as through meditation, can give you greater peace and clarity.

Roadblock 3: Environment

In order to be fully present, it’s important to keep distractions at bay during your meditation time. Try to find a time and space where you will not be needed, even if just for a few minutes.

Your body language and posture also play a part in this common roadblock. Sit comfortably or consider lying back against a pillow or couch cushion. Some people rest their hands on their knees. To keep distractions low, close your eyes.

Meditation is a skill, but it is one borne of practice and routine. Remove the obstacles and roadblocks to your practice, and you’re sure to be meditating regularly in no time.

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