Relaxation Techniques for Stress Relief: 5 Easy Tips for How To Relax

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relaxation techniques for stress relief


You don’t have to live a “stressed out” lifestyle, there are many relaxation techniques for stress relief. If you find yourself up in the middle of the night with thoughts running through your head, you may be stressed.  Similarly, if you wonder why you have chronic pain or illness, stress may be the culprit.

Though there are several ways to cope with stress (some of our relaxation techniques are below!), it’s up to you to determine which works best for your brain and body.

Managing stress can be difficult. Busy lifestyles and pressures at work are often contributing factors to stress. Changes in your life such as a big move, financial changes, or a divorce can also contribute to stress.  All of these can lead to complications or contribute negatively to your mental, physical and emotional health.

Effects of Stress

Stress manifests itself in various ways, but many people report some of the effects of stress are:

  • rapid, shallow breathing
  • anxiety and depression
  • heartburn or acid reflux
  • tight muscles
  • weakened immune system

Stress can be helpful when it helps us be motivated in our tasks or encourage us to act if we are in danger. However, constant stress can cause or worsen many health problems, including mental health conditions, cardiovascular diseases, eating disorders, skin and hair problems, gastrointestinal problems, and more. Understanding the long-term effects of stress can help you feel even more motivated to prioritize rest and relaxation.

Woman peaceful
Taking time to rest can help you stay calm and bounce back from stressful situations more quickly.

Relaxation Techniques for Stress

If you are looking to learn how to relax and finally put an end to the effects of stress on your body, consider testing out these relaxation techniques.

Learn how to cope with stress and combat its negative effects on your body by using these 5 tips for relaxation:

5 Tips for Relaxation

  1. Exercise
  2. Meditate
  3. Clean
  4. Plan
  5. Gratitude

Exercise and nutrition are key to a healthy lifestyle. But other important factors play a role as well, such as mindset and gratitude. To combat stress, there are also a few other relaxation techniques to help you relax and recharge.

The old saying goes “a good morning starts with the night before” and that is definitely true for # 3 and 4 on this list. The more prepared you are, the less stress you will have as you’re trying to wake up and get out the door each day.

Oftentimes, it’s the small things we do that can produce a huge impact. To eliminate morning rush stress, try to tidy up the night before. Consider packing kids’ (or your) lunch the night before as well. Additionally, using the end of each workday to write a quick note about what you need to work on tomorrow will help determine your top priorities as you begin your workday.

Relax for a Better You

While you will always have stress that occurs in your life, there are many relaxation techniques you can utilize to help yourself learn how to relax. Learning to cope with the constant stress triggers that exist can help you lead a happier, healthier life.

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