Duke University students and staff learn braintapping during the Duke Week of Wellness

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Healthy Duke

Duke University has long been considered among the top providers of healthcare in the country, and now they are striving to ensure the campus is among the healthiest organizations as well.

To that end, they’ve launched the Healthy Duke initiative to engage students, faculty, and staff, in not only living healthier lives, but also realizing their full human potential, and the Duke Week of Wellness, September 11-15, was a great step toward that goal.

We at BrainTap Technologies were thrilled to be invited to participate in this landmark event. Over the course of the week, we set up BrainTap listening stations around the campus—at the nursing school, the two hospitals, Perkins Library, and the farmer’s market—to give students, faculty, and staff a chance to discover the benefits of technology-enhanced meditation for themselves.

We were delighted by the positive response and many accolades we received. In fact, the BrainTap buzz was so strong, we’ve been invited to two additional Duke wellness events later this month!

Custom Program

BrainTap is additionally providing the Duke community a unique gift—a custom-curated program called Mindfulness Every Day, designed to meet the unique challenges of university life. The program provides 15-20 minute sessions, all embedded with brain training algorithms for de-stressing, getting focused, building better memory and brain power.

Mindfulness Every Day is available for the entire 2017/18 school year to anyone with a duke.edu email address. If that’s you, GO HERE to sign up!

But if you’re not a part of the Duke University community, you can still try out BrainTap for yourself with our 14-Day FREE Trial here. If you’re a student, be sure to check out the Accelerated Learning and Brain Fitness series.

BrainTap Technologies is a member of DukeOne and has pledged 1% of the company to Duke University.

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